Operations Center Analytics Reporter Plugin 1.8.100

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2016-07-01

New features

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-3015]

    Support reporting of Node Usage statistics for Pipeline jobs. For node label reporting there are several limitations (see Known Issues).

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-4511]

    Analytics Reporter captures the node configuration history (including Cloud and Ephemeral nodes) and then reports it to Operations Center Analytics Feeder on CJOC. The data will be persisted in Elasticsearch.

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-4513]

    Rework the data structure for data submissions in CloudBees Jenkins Analytics. The new data structure is compatible with Operations Center Dashboards 1.8.100 and above.

Resolved issues

  • SECURITY-305 Advisory

    Pick up AHC code changes in order to resolve SECURITY-305 issue.

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CJP-4872]

    Prevent NullPointerException in metrics reporting in the case of CJOC instance misconfiguration.

Known issues
