CloudBees Jenkins Platform

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2019-03-19

Based on Jenkins LTS2.164.1-cb-1

Rolling release

New features


Known issues

  • Pipeline stages, parallels, and step incorrectly marked unstable

    When there is a build with an unstable stage, parallel, or step, all the stages, parallels, and steps are incorrectly marked as unstable instead of just the unstable one that caused the Pipeline to be unstable. This is a known issue in the pipeline-graph-analysis plugin.


  • Release Notes

    Added version 2.3.0 of the JAXB API plugin. This plugin is an API plugin aimed at easing the transition for plugins to run correctly in Jenkins running in Java 11. Java 11 is not supported for this release of CloudBees Jenkins Platform. This plugin was added for future use.

As an end user, you should generally never have to install this plugin yourself. It is designed to be automatically installed as a dependency for plugins needing to access the JAXB API that has been removed from the JDK in Java 9+.

Resolved issues


Known issues

  • CloudBees Azure CLI plugin deprecated

    The CloudBees Azure CLI plugin and its dependency the Azure Publisher Settings Credentials plugin have been deprecated due to a security vulnerability and should not be used.

This version of CloudBees Jenkins Platform will tell you that the CloudBees Azure CLI plugin has been disabled, but it will not uninstall it. If you are using the CloudBees Azure CLI plugin, please uninstall it and instead use the Azure CLI plugin *